Ginni Swanton's Web Site

Swanton Deeds in Ireland


Source: Transcribed from the Registry of Deeds in Dublin on June 4, 2003 by Ginni Swanton

Note: Lors means "and others"

Grantor Grantee Volume Page Entry #
Christopher (Sons? Lors?)Swanton Taylor 80 159 55334
Elizabeth (dau? Lors?) Swanton Taylor 75 447 53838
Godfrey Swanton
Kinsale, Cork
Vicars 69 47 47158
Godfrey (Lors) Swanton Swanton 120 294 82649
Henry (Lors) Swanton Vicars 69 47 47158
Henry (Lors) Swanton Swanton 120 296 82649
Honoria (Lors) Swanton Irwin 110 482 78880
Isabella (Lors) Swanton Bourke 100 263 70421
Willoughby Swanton Taylor 68 453 48931
Willoughby (wife?) Swanton Johnston 80 224 55617
Willoughby Swanton Dillon 84 531 62445